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Practitioner Award 2019

Middle age man sitting and talking to a microphone

Carlos Delgado Kloos

Practitioner Award for Excellence

Prof. Carlos Delgado Kloos has been an outstanding educator for over 35 years. His most recent contribution to open education includes two MOOC trilogies on Introduction to Java Programming published on edX (in English and in Spanish) that have reached close to 500,000 registered learners.

He has participated in 9 other MOOCs on edX and MiríadaX and in the creation of a course for OpenCourseware on “Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Technologies”. The first of these MOOCs was entitled Digital Education of the Future (“Educación Digital del Futuro”); published in MiríadaX in Spanish at the beginning of 2013, surpassing 5,000 registered users.

From that moment on, his facet as a teacher has been focused on the creation of MOOCs. He has also led the development of a MOOC -the only one of its kind in Spanish- on how to make a successful MOOC on Open edX (Cómo crear un MOOC de éxito con Open edX). He has also participated in a MOOC on “Learning Analytics in Higher Education” in edX. His experience has been shared in numerous discussion forums on MOOCs and open education. 

Prof. Carlos Delgado Kloos received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Technical University of Munich and in Telecommunications Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid. He is a Full Professor of Telematics Engineering at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he is also Vice President for Strategy and Digital Education, and Director of the UNESCO Chair on “Scalable Digital Education for All” (“Educación Digital Escalable para Todos”) and of the GAST research group. He has been and currently is the coordinator of different international and national e-learning research projects, such as MOOC-Maker, E-LANE, EEE, Mosaic Learning, eMadrid, RESET, or SMARTLET, among others. He has been Chair of different important conferences such as “Program Chair”, “General Chair” and “Organization Chair” of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), or Chair or the MOOC European Stakeholders Summit (EMOOCs). He has also been a Keynote Speaker in a lot of relevant conferences. His skills and experience include research and development in topics related to technology enhanced learning and open education, such as MOOCs, SPOCs, learning analytics, evaluation of learning experiences, etc.

He is also the general coordinator of the development of MOOCs and SPOCs at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid using platforms such as edX, Open edX, Khan Academy, and MiríadaX. Moreover, he has also coordinated different user studies and evaluations of learning experiences in very different contexts.  

View some of Carlos’ work: 


Read more about Professor Delgado Kloos and his work.

Cover image by Carlos Delgado Kloos (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) via Flickr.

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