OEC Welcomes New Board Members!
The Open Education Consortium (OEC) Board election and voting process is now over and the results are in. Candidates were selected through member votes and this year 97 of our Open Education Consortium member organizations voted. The election results are as follows:
Votes: 75, Hsu-Tien (Marian) Wan (Taiwan)
Votes: 70, Alexis Clifton (USA)
Votes: 68, Som Naidu (Fiji)
Votes: 61, Constance Blomgren (Canada)
Votes: 57, Melissa Layne (USA)
Votes: 53, Peter Smith (USA)
Votes: 52, Martin Dougiamas (Australia)
Votes: 49, Davor Orlic (Slovenia)
The top five are elected and will join with the other eight Board members already in place. Based on these results seven of the thirteen Board members are women with one still to be appointed and the regional composition of the new Board is: France (1), Netherlands (1), Fiji (1), Australia (1), Canada (3, 1 non-voting), USA (2), Taiwan (1), Japan (1), Nigeria (1), and TBD to be appointed (1).
Special thanks to everyone who ran for election and a big welcome to all the new Board members.
We also extend a deep appreciation to the following outgoing Board members for your invaluable input into guiding the Open Education Consortium forward:
- Amanda Coolidge, Canada
- James Glapa-Grossklag, USA
- Laura Czerniewicz, South Africa
- Peter Smith, USA
- Stavros Panagiotis Xanthopoylos, Brazil
- Tian Belawati, Indonesia
- Yu-Lun Huang, Taiwan