Text References
In formal text, please consult the following guidelines for appropriate term of reference to the Open Education Consortium and its activities:
In a primary reference, please use ”the Open Education Consortium.” with capitalization of the letters O, E, and C. In secondary references, shortening of the name to “the OE Consortium” or “the Consortium” is appropriate.
Where possible, please direct your readers to the Consortium website (http://www.oeconsortium.org) for more information about the Consortium, its members and the open education movement.
Activities of the OpenCourseWare Consortium, the former name of the Consortium, focused on those who create OCWs and also those whose activities support the creation and dissemination of OCW materials. Open Education Consortium continues to work to promote various facets of open education by collaborating with institutions, governments, international organizations and individuals. Please refer to “About the Open Education Consortium” for more information on the Consortium and its activities.
The Open Education Consortium is an independent not-for-profit (501.c.3) organization incorporated in 2008 under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the United States of America.
Logo Use
The Open Education Consortium logo reflects the identity values, and to maintain the integrity of the logo, the configuration of the Consortium name and graphics must not deviate from that shown here. There is only one version of the logo, and it must be used as a single graphic unit. When reproducing the Consortium logo, please respect the following guidelines:
The Open Education Consortium logo uses the Futura and Helvetica font. We ask that you not alter the logo in any way without express permission from the Consortium. The logo is available for download in .eps, .jpg, and .gif format.
Here is a guideline when making color variations on the logo.
When printing materials in color, please refer to the color palette specifications below.
For use in single color printing, or for documents which are intended to be photocopied, please use the black version of the logo available for download in .eps, .jpg, and .gif format from Here.
Display the logo as prominently as possible for maximum impact, while avoiding placement that would overshadow the individual graphic identity of your own organization.
In web use, please link the logo to the homepage of the Open Education Consortium website at http://www.oeconsortium.org and only to that homepage.
Consortium Members have the exclusive right to display the Open Education Consortium Member Mark on their websites and printed materials, subject to the same use guidelines provided above. Members of the Open Education Consortium may obtain instructions for downloading this mark in .eps .jpg or .gif format by contacting feedback@oeconsortium.org. Members can also access these files once logged into the Members Portal page. We ask that members neither share such files with non-members nor use them in a manner other than to designate membership in the Open Education Consortium.