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Open Education Consortium staff members are located around the world to serve member needs and further the global open education movement. Meet the people working each day to support the mission of the Open Education Consortium.

Left to right back: Jure Cuhalev, Una Daly, Karen Huggins, Mario Badilla, Susan Huggins

Left to right front: Marcela Morales, Igor Lesko, Paul Stacey

Staff Members
Position Location
Paul Stacey Executive Director Vancouver, Canada
Igor Lesko Director of Operations Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Marcela Morales Director of Community Relations Monterrey, Mexico
Una Daly Director of Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) California, United States
Susan Huggins Director of Communications Florida, United States
Jure Cuhalev Director of Technology Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mario Badilla Creative Director San José, Costa Rica
Karen Huggins Director of Finance Massachusetts, United States


2019 OEC Staff Working & Strategy Meeting