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2019 Winners of Resources, Tools, and Practices Awards

The Open Education Awards for Excellence provide annual recognition to outstanding contributions in the Open Education community. These awards recognize distinctive Open Educational Resources, Open Projects & Initiatives, as well as exemplary leaders in Open Education worldwide. These awards are presented each year at the Open Education Global Conference.

Resources, Tools and Practices Awards

Fotos de 5 personas en un círculo alrededor del nombre PhDOOC; y un ícono color verde con el símbolo de infinito, una manzana y un cuaderno.


MOOC PhD and Career Development

Institution: PhDOOC Association, France

A unique MOOC conceived for PhD candidates and PhD graduates from all disciplines. Based on peers working together and jointly compiling knowledge by encouraging participants to hold discussions and help one another. It enables learners to identify and build their skills portfolio and define their career plan.

Photos of a woman and a man; and an green icon with an infinite symbol, an apple and a notebook.

Open Course

Zero Textbook Cost Pathways: OER & Equity

Institution: Cabrillo College and College of the Canyons, United States

An Open Course Linking Equity, OER, Zero Textbook Cost Degrees, and Guided Pathways. Participants employ an equity cognitive frame to examine the impact of textbook costs on student success, and the disproportionate impact on historically underserved students.

Screenshot of website with the title '¡Creando nuevos horizontes!'; and a green icon with the infinite symbol, an apple and a notebook.

OER offline

Offline Teacher Training MOOC

Institution: World Possible Guatemala, Guatemala

A course designed to help teachers integrate technology into their classrooms, while also, through different proposed teaching methods, help them promote “XXI Century Skills” with their students. This offline technology is possible through the low-cost server RACHEL, which has been developed to provide local and world class open educational content to rural schools that have no access to the internet.


Photo of a middle age man and a book titled Blueprint for success in college and career. A green icon with the infinite symbol, and apple and a notebook

Open Textbook

Blueprint for Success in College and Career

Institution: Grossmont College, United States

A students’ guide for classroom and career success. This text, designed to show how to be successful in college and career preparation focuses on study skills, time management, career exploration, health, and financial literacy.


Screenshot of website saying: Find, create and share free open exercises. A green icon with the infinite symbol, an apple and a notebook.

OER Collection


Institution: Grasple, The Netherlands

Grasple is an easy-to-use platform where teachers can find, edit, and share open learning materials. Teachers can share online exercises and lessons with other educators and with students so they can practice at their own time and pace.  The mission of Grasple, a social enterprise from the Netherlands, is to make knowledge openly accessible to everyone and to strive to help people learn difficult concepts by practicing with high-quality exercises, created by educators who build on each other’s work. They achieve this by partnering with universities, such as Delft University of Technology, to release open educational resources. 

Screenshot of a website with indistinguishable text and images; and an icon with the infinite symbol, an apple and a notebook

OER Repository

OCW Universidad de Cantabria

Institution: Universidad de Cantabria, Spain

OCW UC has been creating, expanding and improving their list of resources since 2009. The University of Cantabria contributes to fostering open education through initiatives such as its Repository of Teaching Resources. This carefully selected and organized collection of resources serves to enhance the teacher’s knowledge on open education methodologies, and improve their ability to create high quality teaching materials and activities.

Screenshot of a website in japanise, and a green icon with the infinite symbol, an apple, and a notebook.

OER Translations

Asuka Academy

Institution: Asuka Academy, Japan

Translation and distribution of world OER content as a semi-formal educational program for High School students in Japan. Asuka Academy aims to provide Japanese learners with new learning opportunities through translated quality OER from around the world. Translations are performed by almost 1,500 volunteers. To date, 93 courses have been translated with enrollments totaling 26,913.

Two men holding a laptop and smiling; a green icon with the silhouette of a person and folder surrounding it.

OER Curation


Institution: SUNY Geneseo, United States

Openly Available Sources Integrated Search is a search tool aimed at making the discovery of open content easier. It currently searches open content from 91 sources and contains more than 365,000 records, most of which are in the public domain or openly licensed. Currently, more than 470 institutions from eight different countries are linking to OASIS from their institutions websites.

Photo of a young man with a beard and wearing glasses. A green icon with two stick dolls seated and chatting.

Open Pedagogy

The Open Faculty Patchbooks

Institution: Fleming College & eCampusOntario, Canada

Educators from around the world have built (& continue to build!) a community patchwork of ‘chapters’ into a quasi-textbook about pedagogy for teaching & learning in higher education. Each patch of the quilt/chapter of the book focuses on one pedagogical skill and is completed and published by different individual faculty members from any institution wanting to join in.


Screenshot of a website stating: Open Research, studies of educational innovation in the open movement. A green icon with a magnifying glass and two silhouettes.

Open Research

Studies of educational innovation in the open movement

Institution: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

The open research initiative integrates studies of educational innovation in MOOCs and open repository systems. The project highlights studies that are carried out by researchers, master students and students of doctoral programs in Mexico and Spain that participate in the Educational Innovation Research Group, the Openergy Network and the UNESCO / ICDE Open Educational Movement for Latin America Chairs.


Screenshot of a website with the title: Open innovation, energy sustainability.... A green icon with a lightbulb and a check mark.

Open Innovation

Energy Sustainability training through MOOCs Subproject

Institution: Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico

The Bi-National Laboratory on Smart Sustainable Energy Management and Technology Training is a platform where knowledge and technology are created to support the creation of sustainable energy solutions for Mexico. An interdisciplinary, collaborative and innovative initiative where government, private and public institutions, as well as national and international organizations, contribute to the success of the project.


Screenshot of a website with two titles: Política Pública, y Preguntas frecuentes; a green icon showing a hand shake.

Open Policy

Open Education Initiative

Institutions: UNESCO Chair in Distance Education and Educadigital Institute, Brazil

A joint effort to advance Open Education and OER as part of a digital rights agenda in Brazil and the region since 2008. Their work includes professional development, mentoring in educational policy, research, publications, resource production and repositories, as well as on-site and distance education.


Girls using computers at a lab.

Open Collaboration

Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx)

Institution: Centre for Education, Innovation and Action Research, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India

A bold and innovative intervention with global relevance to improve the quality of teaching and learning in the public education systems in India. The overarching goal is to demonstrate quality at scale through meaningful use of new media and digital technologies in resource constrained contexts.


Four girls using one laptop. One of them is using the trackpad.

Open Simulation

PhET Interactive Simulations

Institution: University of Colorado Boulder, United States

Over the past 17 years, the PhET Interactive Simulations team has created a collection of 150+ open educational simulations for teaching science and math. From exploring energy to mastering multiplication, each PhET simulation is a highly interactive and flexible tool that allows teachers to use the resource in new and creative ways in their classrooms. With translations into 93 languages and over 100 million uses per year, teachers around the globe are using PhET simulations to make science and math more engaging and accessible for all learners.


A 3D futuristic environment

Open App

VR classroom

Institution: The Open University, United Kingdom, Rumpus Centre

An open education virtual reality app that can be used, openly and freely, in classrooms to enhance students’ learning and engagement. Virtual Reality (VR) can transform the way educational content is delivered making it easy to immerse students in time, space and story.


Faces of five middle age men

Open Science


Institution: Qeios Ltd, United Kingdom

An Open Science platform reshaping the publication life cycle. From a powerful writing tool to an immediate Open Access platform, Qeios provides researchers with the all-in-one solution to create the world’s best research.


Screenshot of a website with title Open Geography Education

Open Geography

Open Geography Education

Institution: Salt Lake Community College, United States

Dedicated to providing open resources, products and services to anybody who is interested in learning about the earth, its places and the relationships between people and their environments. Using the world as their main contributor and content experts, this initiative strives to make the most engaging, dynamic, and relevant information for its growing community.