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Cathy Casserly to Join Carnegie OER

From a press release we received last night:

The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching today named Catherine M. Casserly as Senior Partner effective April 2009. Casserly was director of the Open Educational Resources Initiative at The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, where she managed grants to harness the power of the World Wide Web to equalize access to knowledge. Leading the strategic direction of this now worldwide movement, Casserly worked to raise global awareness of these educational resources and coordinate participants and their projects.

As the first full-time Senior Partner appointed by Carnegie President Anthony S. Bryk, Casserly will be responsible for new program initiatives and will manage the strategic direction of Carnegie’s work in Open Educational Resources. In leading efforts to build a new field of Design, Educational Engineering and Development, Carnegie provides an ideal combination of timing and place to extend the knowledge and evidence base regarding the effectiveness of innovation and Open Educational Resources for learning.

We’ve been lucky to work with Cathy in her position at Hewlett, and we’re sad we’ll be seeing less of her, but we wish her the best of luck in her new job. Congratulations, Cathy!