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OCWC Organizational Effectiveness Survey

This January, the OpenCourseWare Consortium is undergoing an organizational effectiveness review, and we need your input. We’re looking for ways to further develop an organization that best serves the needs of current and potential members while most effectively furthering the mission of the Consortium—to improve education and empower people worldwide through OpenCourseWare.

We’ve created four versions of a short survey: for current members (both educational institutions and affiliates), as well as for OER community members who are not currently members of the Consortium (again, one for educational institutions and one for other types of organizations).

Please take a few minutes by Friday, January 16 to visit


where you can find and complete the survey most appropriate for you. Even if you’re not interested in participating in Consortium activities, your input will help us better understand our role within the OER movement and will further the cause of widening educational opportunity around the world.

Thanks in advance!
