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eduCommons 3.2.1-RC1 Released

We are pleased to announce the first eduCommons 3.2.1 Release Candidate, now available as a Windows download. This version contains many innovative features, including the following:

•    eduCommons can now import from IMS Common Cartridge, IMS Content Package, MIT course downloads, Blackboard IMS, WebCT Vista, WebCT 6.1/7.0, and Moodle Backups
•    eduCommons can now export to IMS Common Cartridge, IMS Content Package, and IMS Package for Moodle
•    WordPress exports for eduCommons content
•    Publish eduCommons site to static HTML
•    Additional RSS added to view most recent items
•    Support added for additional metadata in rdf/rss views as well as OAI/pmh

We would love to get feedback from the rest of the OpenCourseWare community, and we extend a special invitation to all those interested in joining in testing and localization efforts for this project. Please report bugs and other feedback directly to Tom Caswell, eduCommons Project Manager.

If you are interested in translating eduCommons into your language, please contact Tom Caswell at caswell [dot] tom [at] educommons [dot] com. A final version of eduCommons will be available soon as a production-ready release

NOTE: We just updated an issue with eduCommons installers on SourceForge. Everything should be working now. http://educommons.com/downloads/educommons/releases/3.2.1