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This week in OER

Developments and events in the broader OER community are as dynamic as ever. It would be impossible to have an update of all that’s going on, so here’s a quick update on what’s happening this week.

The Catalyst Campaign: Donate Now to Help Fund CC’s Catalyst Grants
Creative Commons launched the Catalyst Campaign today to raise money for the Catalyst Grants. The Catalyst Grants will make it possible for individuals and organizations to harness the power of Creative Commons. A grant might enable a group in a developing country to research how Open Educational Resources can positively impact its community. Another could support a study of entrepreneurs using Creative Commons licenses to create a new class of socially responsible businesses. Anyone may apply for a Catalyst Grant, which ranges from $1,000-$10,000. The goal is to raise $100,000. You can make a donation at www.creativecommons.org. If you are interested in applying for a grant, you can find more information here.

CC Asia Conference 2010
CC Asia Conference will be held from June 4-5 in Seoul, Korea. You can find more information here. The theme for this year is ‘Open for Innovation’.

Universidad 2.0 se abre a Latinoamérica
Universidad 2.0 offers workshops and roundtable discussions on OpenCourseWare and P2P production. The conference is held from June 4-5 in Bogota, Columbia. Live streaming is available here.