Please join the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) on Tuesday, June 11, 10:00 am (U.S. Pacific time) for a webinar on Competency-based learning and OER. Competency-based learning is gaining traction as institutions strive to personalize learning experiences and decrease time to graduation. Students demonstrate mastery at their own pace through e-Portfolio assessments or on-demand tests and institutions often recommend free or open educational resources (OER) along with prior learning as a source for learning materials.
Hear from several higher education experts on how OER and open courses complement competency-based learning to improve student outcomes:
Dr. Ellen Marie Murphy, Executive Director of Curriculum and Learning Systems, Ivy Bridge College. Ivy Bridge College is a two-year online institution that streamlines the transfer process to four-year degrees through personalized learning programs.
Dr. Chari Leader-Kelley, Vice-President of Learning Counts at the Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL). Learning Counts specializes in the assessment of prior learning for college credit. Currently working with the Saylor foundation to embed portfolio templates into open courses to allow students to demonstrate and reflect upon their learning.
Dr. David Shulman, Vice-President of the Virtual Campus and Instructional Technology at Broward College, Florida. Broward College is offering a competency-based MOOC this summer entitled “College Foundations: Reading, Writing, and Math” to provide students with skills to begin college or to prepare for college placement exams.
Participant Login Information:
There is no need to register in advance but please use the link below on the day of the webinar. You may use a headset or dial-in over the phone if you would like to speak otherwise you can listen directly from your computer speakers and use the chat window.
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> Cell phone users dial: 913-312-3202
> Enter your passcode: 462911
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