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Call for Papers Now Open for OCWC Global 2014

The 10th annual OpenCourseWare Consortium Global Conference will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on April 23-25, 2014. The OpenCourseWare Consortium and the Knowledge for All Foundation are jointly organizing the event whose special theme is Open Education for a Multicultural World.

We invite submissions of papers on all topics related to open education for the conference proceedings, and proposals for workshops.

The OpenCourseWare Consortium is a worldwide community of universities and organizations committed to addressing global social issues through open education. The foundation Knowledge for All is a non-profit organization based in London (UK) is committed to reduce the current gap between new trends in education, on the one hand, and advanced technologies in artificial intelligence, on the other, with the ultimate goal of securing the future of open education.

The conference will take place in the beautiful town of Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia.

The 2014 conference will be organized around four tracks:

Research and Technology. In this track, we expect to explore new technologies allowing scaling and sharing of Open Educational Resources in a faster or more economical way, to index the multimodal and multilingual material, or to navigate and remix available material. Researchers and developers are encouraged to present on-going research as well as running prototypes.

Open Educational Policies, in which policy issues and their impact on open educational practice will be discussed. Licensing issues, alternative business models, cooperative efforts and governmental funding can all be discussed in this track. The focus of such sessions should be on lessons learned rather than a recounting of steps taken.

Pedagogical Impact will allow users to present novel uses of Open Educational Resources and their impact on education. We welcome analysis of the impact of Open Educational Resources on the learning process itself, as well as deployment of OERs in MOOCs, flipped classrooms, hybrid educational approaches and online education.

Finally, a Project Dissemination track will allow actors (teams, projects, companies) currently involved in open education projects in Europe to present the results of their work.
For the three first tracks, we encourage the submission of papers, which will be reviewed by the OCWC 2014 Programme Committee. For the project dissemination track, projects can be presented as posters or as full presentations. Please contact the track chair, Mitja Jermol to be considered for inclusion in this track.

Submissions Due: December 1, 2013
Acceptance Announcements: Week of January 2, 2014
Speaker Registration Deadline: February 27, 2014
Final Papers Due: March 1, 2014

For more information, please visit http://conference.ocwconsortium.org.