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Technologies for Open Educational Resources

A one-day workshop, Technologies for Open Educational Resources, as part of the 3rd X5GON meeting will be held on Tuesday October 16,  2018 at the University of Nantes, France.

The goal of the workshop is to allow discussion and debate between:

  • Promoters and researchers developing new technologies, some of which have not been applied in education,
  • Actors and decision makers from the different education organizations who will be able to describe the complex issues they see and evaluate if the proposed technologies can address these,
  • experimenters who are already trying new digital and AI inspired technologies in the field of education.

Presentations and panels (in English) will take place in the Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes.

All information will be found here: https://www.x5gon.org/event/tech-for-oer/

Registration to the workshop is free but should be done well in advance: please send an email to cdlh@univ-nantes.fr and you will receive a link.