At the end of February, with the generous support and hospitality of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), we held two working gatherings just outside San Juan, Costa Rica. In one of our rare in person meetups Open Education Consortia staff came together for a two day working and strategy meeting and then we hosted a two day Latin America Regional Node working group meeting with open education leaders from across Latin America.
Here’s a short report out on the fantastic setting, people, and progress.
Open Education Consortium Team
Left to right back: Una Daly, Igor Lesko, Paul Stacey, Mario Badilla, Marcela Morales
Left to right front: Jure Cuhalev, Karen Huggins, Susan Huggins
Latin America Open Education Consortium Regional Node Working Group
Left to Right: Vladimir Burgos, Carolina Botero, Paul Stacey, Romeo Rodriguez, Isa LaPorte, Tel Amiel, Sooni Gillett, Ana María Sandoval Poveda, Werner Westermann, Fabiola Cantero Acosta, Marcela Morales, Mildred Acuña Sossa, Virginia Rodés Pagarino, Diana Hernández, Marisol Ramirez