Derek Moore is the founder and lead for Weblearning, an independent ed tech consultancy that specializes in digital and education capapbilities. He’s on a mission is to stamp out "technology-solutionism" and practice "learning design". He has a predisposition towards openness, but this is not his driving focus. Listening to teachers and students is where he gets his kicks. With a mixture of pedagogical, technical and course development expertise he is comfortable facilitating workshops, identifying the social and networked systems for collective action as well as authoring rich media content using a range of packages and platforms.
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Mentee: Selected by UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Learning at the Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Nova Goric for a global mentorship project. Focus on Open Badges
Mentor: Selected by Hub co-ordinator to mentor three Open Educational Resources projects
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Open Umbrella Field Guide. Collection of open education practices compiled into a handbook to inspire and guide academics as digital teaching, learning and assessment practices are diffused across the academy
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Producing and piloting a campaign to promote the use of mobile devices, in conjunction with libraries, to access reading materials, search for information about job opportunities or navigating information disorder and "thinking before linking".
These projects sets out to challenge librarians to have an informed opinion and critical perspective on social goods, available via our devices.. All materials licensed under CC BY
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