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Michael Porter

"I am currently the Web Services Librarian and liaison to the Business and Computer Science Departments, the Honors College, and the eCollege for Distance Education at Lawson State Community College. I have a Master's degree in Distance Education (University of Maryland Global College) and a Master's degree in Library Science (University of North Texas). In this role, I work with faculty to integrate library resources and services into course management software, conduct faculty OER workshops, and presentations on the library's role with OER advocacy.

My interest and contribution to advancing OER began with my participation in the SPARC Leadership Program, where I developed a series of self-paced, interactive, on-demand, responsive learning modules. Learning OER Anytime (LOERA) contains learning modules that can be used to provide a flexible yet structured learning path to understanding Open Education Resources (OER). The course supports faculty in developing their knowledge and awareness about OER.

Institution Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaellporter/


LOERA (Learning OER Anytime) is a series of self-paced, interactive, on-demand, responsive learning modules. LOERA contains 15 learning modules that can be used to provide a structured learning path to the introduction of Open Education Resources (OER,) as well as an opportunity for additional exploration and discovery of OER.
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