At ScholarRx, we are working to build a healthier world through accessible, sustainable medical education. Our platform currently helps prepare 150,000 medical students and physician learners annually. ScholarRx has developed an open, multi-competency curricular platform that empowers medical schools, health professions programs, and organizations around the world to rapidly develop high-quality education experiences, even in resource-constrained environments.
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MeSAGE is the largest student-driven curriculum alliance on the planet, composed of student organizations representing over 1 million medical students in over 120 countries, working together to lead the next wave of the medical education revolution.
Using the digital learning library, Rx Bricks, MeSAGE is building open, interactive digital modules that address a wide range of topics, from health equity to digital health. Together, we aim to leverage the expertise and passion of students to develop free and open medical education content.
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We offer a set of our digital learning modules, called Rx Bricks, for free for students and schools around the world. These collections include microbiology and cellular and molecular biology.
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We offer an open access authoring tool that allows educators to easily develop, publish, and share digital learning experiences that can be accessed by learners around the world. This includes the ability to clone and adapt some of the evidence-based modules developed by ScholarRx.
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