The Universidad Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (UNICyT) is a private higher education institution located in Panama City, Panama.
The University plays a transcendental social role both in the integral formation of the student as well as in the generation of individual and institutional behavior that is characterized by a high degree of awareness regarding the historical reality and social environment. This high degree of awareness of the Educational Community will crystallize in proactive attitudes that will channel their projection towards teaching, research extension and production work in the scientific, technological, and humanistic fields to contribute efficiently and effectively to guide the processes of political, economic, social changes, ecological and cultural that Panama and Latin America require to redefine their development.
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The series of Research, Development and Innovation Congresses of the university (IDI-UNICyT) began in 2016 and since then it has been held at the end of each year without interruptions. Initially, it was designed as an internal space to share the progress achieved and the products developed as a result of the research, development and innovation activities of the members of the UNICyT academic community, but later, it became a national event that included activities of other university institutions in Panama. Since 2020, it has been carried out in the synchronous virtual modality, and it is an international scientific event, recognized by the community of researchers from countries such as Colombia, Argentina, Spain, El Salvador, Japan, Paraguay, Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Santo Domingo, Poland, Mexico, the Netherlands and Peru; besides Panama. All the documents are open to the public (free of charge).
In this section of the website of the Coordination of Research, Development and Innovation you will find the programs and the Proceedings of the full length articles of all the IDI-UNICyT Congresses.
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The Universidad Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Editorial Seal is a specialized means of digital bibliographic production that makes visible the activity of research, creation and generation of knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship of the university. One of its objectives is the dissemination and promotion of knowledge resulting from the reflection and investigative production of the members of the academic community of the institution. All its publications are open to the public (free of charge).
The Editorial Seal of the University also has a portal for scientific journals open to consultation by the general public and free both for authors who wish to publish their work and for those who wish to consult the articles.
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The general purpose of the Congresses on Creativity and Innovation in Education is to disseminate innovations and research related to education nationally and internationally, analyze proposals on the most important topics in the area, and serve as a means for the transfer of knowledge. Knowledge in various emerging research areas that allow promoting a culture of creativity and innovation that impacts the Panamanian educational system at all levels.
The II Congress of Creativity and Innovation in Education that will take place in the month of September, seeks to identify and bring together an important nucleus of representatives of the universities of Panama and the region that are investigating or wish to investigate in the area of education.
During the Congress, the II General Assembly of the Network of Researchers in Creativity and Innovation in Education (REDIA) will take place.
Although the congress asks for a registration fee (50 USD), all material produced is open to the general public free of charge.
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