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2017 OE Award Winners: OER Categories

Open Educational Resources Awards is a new expanded category in the Open Education Awards for Excellence this year.  This new category recognizes resources beyond courses and sites fostering the wide variety of innovative OER being developed around the world.  This year’s winners are:

OER Site

Norwegian digital learning arena – a sustainable large-scale model for OER
The Norwegian Digital Learning Arena (NDLA) / Norway

OER Collection

Observatorio de Innovación Educativa – Observatory of Educational Innovation
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey / México


OER101 – Using Open Educational Resources in Teaching

Open Tool

OEL Toolkit
Swinburne University of Technology and University of Tasmania / Australia

Open Book

Open Access Atlas of Otolaryngology, Head and neck Operative Surgery
University of Cape Town / South Africa

Open Faculty Development Program

The Agora: An open faculty development program in student centred and mobile learning
Justice Institute of British Columbia and Universidad de Guadalajara / Canada, Mexico

OER Library/Open Network

Curriki / United States