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Ana Allueva

ana_alluevaAna Allueva is Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics, PhD from University of Zaragoza, Spain. Currently she is Vice Dean  for Educational Technology and Innovation and Digital Culture of the Veterinary Faculty.

From 2008 to 2012 she has been Director of Area of Technology for Teaching with the Vice-rector for Innovation Teaching at the University of Zaragoza. In this period of time she has been responsible academic to the Virtual Campus and the Site OCW of the University and responsible for planning and training for education and ICT programmes for the academics in the university.

In 2008 she receives the award for Innovation Teaching supported by the Government of Aragon and the Social University Council.  It has also been finalist with two open courses in 2011 and 2012 at the OCW MECD-Universia Award and SIMO Education 2014 in the category of Best Mobile ICT Project.

She receives the Outstanding Course ACE (Award for OpenCourseWare Excellence) by Open Education Consortium in 2013 (Conocimientos Básicos de Matemáticas para Primeros Cursos Universitarios) and again in 2015 (Matemáticas. Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos).

She has participated as member of Awards Committee of the Awards OCW MECD-Universia and Santander Award for excellence in the use of ICT in teaching innovation, eight times.

Ana Allueva is the founder and coordinator of the EuLES Network (Multidisciplinary Innovation and Research Network on uLearning Environments on Higher Education), member of the Santander Chair for collaboration on new technologies in university education and director of VirtualUSATIC (International Congress on Ubiquitous and Social Learning).